Older men trying first gay sex stories

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As i approached i felt my heart pounding as i told myself “this is, here we go”. I arrived at his apartment after a fifteen drive and as the sound of my Altima beeped as it locked thats when i saw it…the door that has forever changed my life had been pulled open and from around the side of the door i noticed the hand waving in my direction. He desired pics and so did I and before i knew it i was entering his address into my iPhone maps app. I found a 38 year old man who desired a cross dressing bottom, i had worn my moms thongs before but never explored Deep into the subject so i decided to take up the ad. I had a very specific age bracket, no lower than 35….thats it. After a trip to a beach notorious for its gay population i began browsing craigslist for men wanting sex. During my online escapades men in the area would offer to pound my virgin butt and a lot of the time i would be about to say yes and than exit everything and snap back to reality…but this time was different. I would on occasion dildo my self with whatever i could find when i had the house to myself. But every now and than i would catch myself masturbating for old men of free sex chatrooms….the compliments and such that i received made me feel good.

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I had a steady relationship with my now ex girlfriend and we had sex just about everyday. I was 17, not nearly ready for my first semester at college.

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